lunes, 2 de febrero de 2015


Xavi Guma's funeral

Last week, the death was visiting Xavi Guma in the morning on 2nd December. After he died, his family and his students went to his funeral.
The atmosphere was uncomfortable because I didn't know his family and we, his students were very sad because the day before we were doing a writing exam.
The event was very fast, we and his family said words for him and we went to party at Xavi's home.
When we arrived at Xavi's, I was very happy because Xavi, after doing prepared the party with dinner and drinks. Moreover he put played music in all the house.
This funeral was the best funeral of my life, and at the end of the night we went home.

Being famous

Being famous has many advantages but many disvantages.
In my opinion being famous is very confortable because you don't prepare dinner, you have a bodyguard, money, luxurious cars, bigger houses, etc.
On the one hand famous people live is spectacular but on the other hand being famous is a disvantage because you can't go to the street because interviewers stop you and ask you all of your life. For this reason being famouse is an disadvantage, a big disadvantage.
In conclusion, I think that being famous despite of it's disadvantages is spectacular, but I and everyone can't live like famous people.