lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014


Every day ONLINE ADVERTISING is more usual fot advertising companies.
Ithink that it can hav advantages and disadvantages but for the people that always search in internet, it has a lot of disadvantages.
On the one hand, we can say that online advertising is interesting, because you can be surfing in internet and adverts appear in your screen. If you are interested in this advertising, you can visit the web. Otherwise, you can ignore these window.
But on the other hand, advertising sometimes contains virus and if you click on adverts, your computer can be infected.
In my opinion the sponsor of this online advertising spends much money in this and many people are not interested.

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014


-  - Hello, today in “Viajando con empresarios” we are with the general director of Telepizza. Good Morning Leopoldo Fernández.
-       Thanks, this is a pleasure for me.
-       - Leopoldo, when you have the idea to create this huge company?
-       In 1981 when I was working in Johnoson & Johnson I had the idea to create a very little pizzeria because I love creating and kneading my pizza. Moreover, I created Phonepizza in my town that more later was named Telepizza.
-       - How many shops have you and want to have in Spain ?
-       Nowadays in Spain we have 626 shops in active, and in the future we will want to have 300 more.
-      -  Why your company has increased so much in this latest years?
-       This have increased a lot because we have studied all the people and the people want when was hungry and we launched a lot of commercials and we distributed publicity to the people.
-      -  What is the most selling pizza?
-       The most selling pizza is Bacon Crispi and the ingredients are bacon, tomato and onion.
-       - Have you ever thought about selling or closing the business?
-       No by the moment. However, in the future if a big businessman persuades me to sell the company to him I will accept.
-      -  And the last question, what will be your next pizza?
-       I will make a chocolate pizza, because I think that can be a success between more competitors.
-     “How many shops have you and want to have in Spain” The interviewer wondered to Leopoldo
-       Leopoldo said that he had 626 shops in active and in the future he would want to have 300 more.
-   “Why your company has increased so much in this latest years?” asked the interviewer.
-       Leopoldo said that had increased because her company studied all the people and had launched commercials and publicity.
-   “What is the most selling pizza?” wondered the interviewer.
-       Leopoldo answered that the most sellig pizza was Bacon cripspi that have bacon, onion and tomato.
-  The interviewer asked Leopoldo when he had the idea of creating the company
-       Leopoldo said that when he worked at Johnson & Johnson had the idea of creating a pizzeria, because he liked to create pizzas.
-   The presenter equired if Leopoldo had thought about selling the business.
-       Leopoldo said no, but if one day a businessman bought , he would
-  The presenter asked what would be your next pizza.
  Leopoldo said it would be the chocolate pizza, because would many competitors.

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


La voz kids is a programme for kids and they sing.
It was invented in 2013 in Spain tele 5, but before it was invented in the other countries of the world.

First of all kids do an audition. If they win the audition they enter the programme and they have sing teachers that prepare the song that children have to sing.

In my opinion, singing teachers don't choose the appropiate songs for kids, because they are very difficult or are in English. Secondly when the judge votes, many times he doesn¡t vote because kids sing well, and vote because the kid is beautiful or young.
I disagree with these things, but on the other hand, I love this programme because many children sing very well.

The views watch a programme are younger or adult but they're usually young because they can see kids and this is an entertaiment. This programme is more popular in the world because kids have a good talented, and it's presentater is Jesús Vàzquez.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

MSN Messenger

Messenger was a programme messenger instantaneous, Messenger company was invented by the Microsoft in 1999.

They created it because they want to facilitate the communication with the other persons at the different countries for you. You can pass the photos, audios, and conversations with the other users. The best thing that you can do is a video call.

Microsoft threw seven principal versions as it continues:

Windows Messenger (1.0.0863): Was created in 22th July 1999, it was including only the basic characteristics as simple text and a list of contacts. This version was the first all of them, and after many years was created the new versions of messenger. The new versions of Messenger included a new carachters and the others applications.

In conclusion, messenger was a perfect programme for the ages for her existence.