lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014


-  - Hello, today in “Viajando con empresarios” we are with the general director of Telepizza. Good Morning Leopoldo Fernández.
-       Thanks, this is a pleasure for me.
-       - Leopoldo, when you have the idea to create this huge company?
-       In 1981 when I was working in Johnoson & Johnson I had the idea to create a very little pizzeria because I love creating and kneading my pizza. Moreover, I created Phonepizza in my town that more later was named Telepizza.
-       - How many shops have you and want to have in Spain ?
-       Nowadays in Spain we have 626 shops in active, and in the future we will want to have 300 more.
-      -  Why your company has increased so much in this latest years?
-       This have increased a lot because we have studied all the people and the people want when was hungry and we launched a lot of commercials and we distributed publicity to the people.
-      -  What is the most selling pizza?
-       The most selling pizza is Bacon Crispi and the ingredients are bacon, tomato and onion.
-       - Have you ever thought about selling or closing the business?
-       No by the moment. However, in the future if a big businessman persuades me to sell the company to him I will accept.
-      -  And the last question, what will be your next pizza?
-       I will make a chocolate pizza, because I think that can be a success between more competitors.
-     “How many shops have you and want to have in Spain” The interviewer wondered to Leopoldo
-       Leopoldo said that he had 626 shops in active and in the future he would want to have 300 more.
-   “Why your company has increased so much in this latest years?” asked the interviewer.
-       Leopoldo said that had increased because her company studied all the people and had launched commercials and publicity.
-   “What is the most selling pizza?” wondered the interviewer.
-       Leopoldo answered that the most sellig pizza was Bacon cripspi that have bacon, onion and tomato.
-  The interviewer asked Leopoldo when he had the idea of creating the company
-       Leopoldo said that when he worked at Johnson & Johnson had the idea of creating a pizzeria, because he liked to create pizzas.
-   The presenter equired if Leopoldo had thought about selling the business.
-       Leopoldo said no, but if one day a businessman bought , he would
-  The presenter asked what would be your next pizza.
  Leopoldo said it would be the chocolate pizza, because would many competitors.

1 comentario:

  1. DID you have the idea
    WHAT the people want,,,
    THEY WERE hungry
    IT can be a success AMONG our competitors
    ASKED WHY HIS company...

    MARK 7
